PIPER  1.0.1

v1.0.1 - 07/2017

  • [framework] The application will now automatically go to check module upon opening a project (as it does upon importing a new model)
  • [scaling constraints] Fix crashes when a new HBM is loaded that is incompatible with the currently loaded scalable model
  • [contour] Fixes a bug causing contourCL files to be unrecognized by the software
  • [anthropo] CCTAnthro-landmark based prediction temporarily removed as it is not yet fully functional
  • [anthropo] Fixes a bug that caused the "generate regressions" button to do nothing in some cases

v1.0.0 - 05/2017

  • [pre-posi] some gui enhancement (landmark visibility, reload button always active)
  • [pre-posi] fix controllers were not destroyed on reload
  • [fine-posi] fix bad affine density value used
  • [shape] fix skin young modules value was not set properly from the gui
  • [kriging] support for domain decomposition of the model through named metadata
  • [smoothing] added a new transformation smoothing method - local displacement average

v0.99.0 - 04/2017

  • [shape] new module to shape HBM skin (beta quality)
  • [pre-posi] spine predictor have two lateral flexion angles
  • [pre-posi] voxel size can be scaled with HBM height
  • [pre-posi] custom affine frames can be defined in the metadata
  • [pre-posi] add simulation of articular capsules, ligaments, cartilage, when appropriate entities are defined
  • [pre-posi] add a distance constraint between tibia and patella
  • [pre-posi] add relative motion in the frame controller
  • [pre-posi] bone and capsule collisions can be enabled/disabled directly in the module, disabling it speeds up the simulation
  • [application] ability to interrupt lengthy process (like Position modules loading)
  • [anatomyDB] add some articular capsules, ligaments and meniscus
  • [pre-posi] FIX wrong bone collision in rare cases
  • [pre-posi] FIX update of some nodes in bone entities
  • [application] Environment can now be visualized and transformed (scale, translation and rotation)
  • [framework] metadata can be exported and imported.
  • [framework] only pmr file is now required to imported HBM from FE file or graphic mesh format (obj).
  • [bodysection] refactoring module: anthropometric model can be edited. Handles of type of dimension with relative or absolute taget value
  • [kriging] skin transformation now possible using surface distance instead of euclidean
  • [kriging] kriging with intermediate bone and skin target

v0.8.0 - 01/2017

  • [pre-posi] improve stability of the spine controller and the spine predictor
  • [pre-posi] add control on the user target stiffness
  • [pre-posi] add a clipping plane to inspect the 3D model
  • [pre-posi] fix flesh attachment bug
  • [framework] add generic tooltip
  • [framework] the application remembers your last used folders
  • [framework] python scripts can be run at any time in the workflow

v0.7.0 - 11/2016

  • [application] add landmarks and nodes exporter to simple ascii files
  • [pre-posi] lazy simulation loading, do not reload simulation if it is already ready
  • [pre-posi] updated spine predictor, with or without pelvis orientation
  • [pre-posi] spine target is reached progressively to improve simulation stability
  • [pre-posi] let the user control more simulation parameters (timestep, number of vertices for bone collision)
  • [smoothing] allowed selecting multiple entities as targets for optimization by all smoothing techniques
  • [3D viewer] Element blanking to allow exploration of inside of the model
  • [3D viewer] Display settings: setting camera focal point, resetting camera, switching projection type
  • [3D viewer] Highlighting element edges and normals
  • [3D viewer] Camera and display settings are now persistent across all modules
  • [3D viewer] Improved stability (due to safer handling of interaction between "computational" and rendering threads)

v0.6 - 10/2016 - alpha version

  • [pre-posi] new limited mouse interaction with the model
  • [pre-posi] new spine predictor
  • [pre-posi] new spine controller
  • [pre-posi] new anatomical landmark controllers
  • [fine-posi] slightly better affine frame spreading in the model
  • [pre-posi] soft and hard joint simulation
  • [pre-posi] loading of targets
  • [pre-posi] bone collision
  • [pre-posi] automatic stop of the positioning process
  • [app] model-modifying actions now create a history of node coordinates to which the user can roll-back
  • [bodysection] new module for scaling the model based on body section dimension targets
  • [anthropo-perso] new module for generating anthropometric measurement targets based on statistical regression analysis of a specified database
  • [smoothing] crease detection on surfaces
  • [smoothing] transformation smoothing using kriging in a box
  • [smoothing] surface smoothing using windowed sinc FIR filter
  • [smoothing] mechanism for loading baseline models either from file or from history
  • [3D viewer] VTK-based 3D viewer - model exploration, visualization of metadata
  • [3D viewer] Picking tools: rubber band, box and single-object picking
  • [3D viewer] Coloring elements based on quality
  • [app] uniform module layout, use of tool windows to gather specific parts of the GUI

v0.5 - 12/2015

  • [smoothing] new smoothing module based on the Mesquite library
  • [fine-posi] new physics based module for positioned module deformation, it is based on the [pre-posi]
  • [pre-posi] control over frame orientation, ability to remove controllers
  • [pre-posi] save some targets
  • [laplacian-smoothing] this module is removed
  • [app] modules can have parameters
  • [framework] target data structure as an input/output for modules, can be saved/loaded to/from an xml file
  • [framework] environment can be loaded from FE code files
  • [framework] piper application save/load project files which contain the FEModel, targets and environment.
  • [iitd] new module to define contours metadata and position hip and knee, personalize the hbm.
  • [mesh-optim] new module to analyze mesh quality and improve mesh quality for 3D elements meshes.

v0.4 - 09/2015

  • [pre-posi] positioning of the frames, more display options
  • [pre-posi] support contact
  • [libhbm] support contact
  • [libhbm] split parser files in a format specific file and a model specific file

v0.3 - 07/2015

  • same functionalities as 0.2 but using double precision for floating point numbers: it consumes more memory but sofa-positioning is more stable.

v0.2 - 07/2015

  • package for both windows and linux
  • new module physics-positioning

v0.1 - 05/2015

  • initial version of the PIPER application for windows
  • it includes the following modules: check, 3d-display, krigging, sofa-smoothing, scaling parameter