PIPER  1.0.1
Fine-Positioning Module


This module implements the same simulation as in the Pre-Positioning Module. Compared to it, more degrees of freedom are added to simulate the soft tissue so as to get a high quality deformation of the model. As a consequence the simulation runs slower and is not interactive.

  • Parameters: voxelSize, affine density (voxelCoarsening is 1)
  • Metadata: same as Pre-Positioning Module
  • Target Input: any user defined target (fixed bone, joint, frame to frame, landmark) can be loaded, however the standard workflow is to load bones inertia position created in the Pre-Positioning Module.
  • Target Output: None
  • Output: updated model nodes
Thomas Lemaire - INRIA


  • voxel size: decrease this value to have more precise deformation field, increase it to have faster loading time
  • affine density: increase this value to get a better quality deformation, decrease it to have faster loading and faster simulation

User interface

This module UI has a lot in common with the Pre-Positioning Module UI, with less components since it does not provide user interaction with the model. The available toolbox windows are described in the following sections.

3D view, model nodes are computed, affine frames are displayed

Simulation control

See Simulation control

Display settings

See Display settings


This tool windows let the user load targets in the simulation. The Import targets... button is a shortcut for the menu Target → Import targets to import targets from a target file into the project. The Load button loads the project targets, a status message is printed in the log. While the simulation is running the targets accumulated error can be checked, and target stiffness can be adjusted :

  • decrease the value if the simulation becomes unstable
  • increase the value if the targets are not reached closely enough
Targets loading and monitoring