Enable the Spine predictor from the secModulePhysPosiInterPredictors
For source posture select Seating erect, for target select Forward flexed, keep posture value to 0, keep align on gravity on and Update
Set time step to 0.01, run the positioning until it is stable, if necessary reduce the simulation time-step (Simulation control)
It is then advised to run several iterative predictions by gradually increasing and updating the stiffness of the spine/pelvis frame attractors until the solution is stable. This is in particular required to update the absolute orientation of the spine precisely when the 'Align on gravity' option is on
You should get something similar to the following screenshot:
Spine posture predictor on GHBM model, fixed bones, and automatically added pelvis orientation controller
Now let's do some more spine positioning :
Be sure the simulation is stopped
Fix the pelvis to keep its posture orientation
Deactivate the Spine predictor
Open the Spine controller, select C1, T1, T12 and L5 as spline control points
Activate the mouse spine interactor
Adjust the Display settings, align a view on the back of the GHBM to be confortable to edit the spline and give it a scoliosis shape, you can obtain some thing like :
Scoliosis spine shape
Run the positioning until it is stable, if necessary reduce the simulation time-step
This work has received funding from the European Union 7th Framework Program (grant agreement n°605544 [PIPER project]) - Documentation under license GNU FDL 1.3 - Generated on Fri Jul 21 2017 13:23:55 for PIPER by