PIPER  1.0.1
Model Contour Deformation Target Based Personalization

Generate Target Files

  1. Open the Anthropometry module.
  2. Click on "Create Anthropometry" button on the right menu.
  3. Select "Generate a new regression file".
  4. Select "BMI" "WEIGHT" "STATURE" as predictors, and define a population of two bins. One representing males and the second one representing females. Please refer to Generate a new regression file for details about how to create a regression file.
  5. Click on "Define sample information".
  6. Select "MeanOnly" as sample type.
  7. Set a name to the meanOnly output target file. This is the file you will need for the Target Based Personalization (Importing target from anthropometry module).
  8. Select "Fixed predictor" as sample input type.
  9. A list of predictor that you selected for the regression file should appear at the bottom of the window. Set the folowing values: BMI = 25, WEIGHT = 730 and STATURE = 1750.
  10. Select "Normal" as sample output type.
  11. Click on the green arrow to generate the regression and target file.
Input data in the GUI

Import GHBM Model

  1. Import a HBM from its vendor format files (see Project menu).
  2. Check and explore the imported model with the Check Module.

Target Based Personalization (Importing target from anthropometry module)

  1. Open the Contour Deformation Module.
  2. Open the Personalization window by clicking the "Personalize" button on the right panel.
  3. Click the "Load Personalization Contours" button and select the Personalization_Contours.txt file to load the personalizaiton contours. You will find it in the metadata folder of the GHBM model.
  4. Click the "Load Body Data" button and select the BodyData.txt file to load the personalization ratios. You will find it in the metadata folder of the GHBM model.
  5. Click the "Load Anthropometric Target File" button and select the target file you created in the Generate Target Files part (step 7).
  6. Choose "Anthropometric target values" in the "Options".
  7. Click on the "Personalize" button to personalize the model.
Workflow For Contour Deformation Personalization Using Anthropometric Targets