PIPER  1.0.1
Smoothing module


After some transformations (positioning in particular), it is frequent that the element quality is degraded compared to the original model. This can occur on the surface or inside the mesh (3D elements) and it can lead to inverted elements (negative volume or negative jacobian) which prevent the simulation from starting. This module provides different tools to try to help with this problems.

First, the element quality needs to be assessed. There are many metrics and definitions used to define element quality depending on the FE solver and pre-processor. It is assumed that the user can always export the HBM and to compute its favorite quality metrics in another pre-processor (which PIPER does not aim to replace). Within PIPER, two libraries are used to compute quality metrics:

They will provide results different results. In both cases, the variation of element quality (before and after transformation) can be computed which can be helpful to detect problematic regions for smoothing and assess the quality of the transformation (independently from the quality of the original model).

Then to try to improve the quality, three methods are provided. Their principles are summarized below:

  • Improving mesh quality using Mesquite metrics : a 3D mesh optimizer (using the Mesquite library) attempts to optimize the quality metrics within a 3D mesh without changing its boundaries. As a result, if the problems are located on the surface of the mesh, the problem cannot be completely solved.
  • Smoothing the surface of an entity : a simple Taubin smoothing algorithm is available to smooth the surface of entities. It is often useful for the skin after positioning. A Surface crease detection algorithm can be used in preparation to detect the regions of interest for smoothing. As only the surface is smoothed, another smoothing methods for the 3D mesh is typically required after.
  • Transformation smoothing : the geometrical transformation between two models is smoothed. This is not a mesh smoothing method per say (the method is not aware of the mesh). This approach attempts to maintain the original element quality by minimizing the local distortions. In practice, it can solve many of the local problems resulting from the transformations without generating unwanted penetrations (e.g. after positioning).

Overview of the smoothing methods

Method Applies to Strength and usage scenario
Mesquite Mesh optimizer 3D mesh (inside) Optimize mesh. Use alone or after the others.
Surface smoother Surface mesh Local defects (on skin). Use first.
Transformation smoother All (not mesh aware) Minimize distortion without generating penetrations. Use second.

All three methods can be applied even if the model transformation was not made in PIPER (the transformation smoother can smooth between two arbitrary models).

Module GUI

There are currently four different methods available in this module. Only one can be active at a time. To switch between them, use the buttons in the right panel, marked by number "1" in the Figure Module Main Window. Clicking them will also open a window with options of the given method. See below for details on the individual methods.
The results display has two modes - information grid and 3D view. The mode can be changed using the two buttons on the right panel marked by number "2" in the Figure Module Main Window.
The information grid mode is currently used only by the MESQUITE Quality metrics method. It displays the amounts of low quality elements in individual parts of the FE model as text.
The second mode switches to a standard 3D view of the model. Most of the quality methods have a way to mark the low quality or otherwise interesting elements in the 3D view. Also, standard 3D view tools such as metadata showing/hiding, picking etc. are of course available in this mode and can be used e.g. to select which parts of the model to apply a mesh optimization to.

Hint: Most of the mesh optimization methods work with the entire, "full", model (including all nodes and elements). The visualization of finite element model will therefore be activated by default and the entity visualization (PIPER model) automatically switched off. If needed, you can switch it back via the "Display -> Entity" window, using the checkboxes on the bottom of the window. But keep in mind that if you have both modes turned on, you will likely see the model twice, once as a full model, once as entities.

Module Main Window

VTK toolkit Quality metrics

The VTK toolkit integrates quality metrics defined in the Verdict Library. The metrics are computed on 2D and 3D elements (pyramid and penta element metrics are not available in the Verdict Library).
These metrics are not used for any optimization. It is possible to display them in every module that utilizes the 3D view. You can bring it up using the "Element Quality" button in the right panel.
Figure Color by Quality shows the options window for this method. You can choose from a number of quality metrics and set-up up to three quality ranges, each of which will be colored by a different color scheme. Upon pressing the "Display" button, the quality will be computed for each element for which the metric is defined and the elements will be colored. You can save the results to a file using the "Save Quality" button.
Setting up the ranges is simple - tick a checkbox for each range you want to use, then enter the desired thresholds. The extremes of the ranges will be automatically modified so that no two ranges overlap.
The two comboboxes after the range values are used to set up which color will be used with which range. By default, as in the Figure Color by Quality, only the first combobox has some value. In such a case, each element that belongs to this range will be colored by this value. If you specify a second color of the range, the color associated with the element will be a linear interpolation of the two colors. E.g. if you specify a range from 0 to 1 and set colors from green to red, an element with a quality 0.5 will be yellow.

Hint: you can easily create a range that goes from dark to light tones of your favourite color. Simply specify black as the second color to create a range that goes darker with increasing values, or white to create a range that grows lighter. Or use your color as the second one and white/black as first for a similar, yet different effect.
To select elements within some range, use the "Select" button. The checkboxes next to it let you specify which range to include in the selection. Note that using the selection, the 3D viewer automatically switch to rendering the elements based on the selection, not based on the quality, i.e. you will see selected elements in green color, deselected in white. You can then click the "Compute" button again to switch back to coloring the elements by the quality, but the selected elements will remain selected (only not "highlighted").
If you check the "Use relative quality" checkbox, you can specify a "baseline" model, i.e. a different version of your current model (the node and element counts must match!), e.g. before some deformation. You can either specify the model from file or from the Model History, i.e. use the version of the model before you applied some other PIPER operation on it. The quality will then be computed as a difference between the quality of the current model and the baseline one. This way, you can easily see if the deformation you created increased or decreased the element quality of the model.

Color by Quality

MESQUITE Quality metrics

MESQUITE Quality metrics are defined on 2D and 3D elements but only 3D elements metrics are considered in this module. Inverse mean ratio metric and untangle Beta metric (to detect inverted elements) are computed.

To perform a quality analysis using Mesquite, the user has to:

  • Open the Mesquite Options window using the "Mesquite" button on the right panel (see number 1 in Figure Module Main Window - this opens the window "4" in the same figure)
  • Activate/Deactivate the option to include bones in the analysis - use the "Compute Quality for Skeleton" checkbox
  • Click on "Compute Quality" button. When computation is done, results are presented in the table (see Figure Module Main Window, part 3)
  • Alternatively, a "baseline" model can be specified, either from a file or from the model history. If a baseline model is used, the results are not absolute values of the quality metric, but instead values relative to this baseline model, computed as quality of the current model minus the quality of the baseline model.

Results of the quality evaluation are presented in a table with each line corresponds to part defined in the Finite Element Model and the following columns:

  • The Part Id
  • The Part Name (if defined in Finite Element Model)
  • For each quality metric, the number of elements that do not respect current quality criteria value
  • If optimization is applied to the mesh, additional columns with the number of elements that do not respect current quality criteria value after the optmization are added

The button "Save Quality" export the quality metrics for all elements of the model.
The button "Apply Mesh Optimization" launches the optimisation process - see Improving mesh quality using Mesquite metrics

Improving mesh quality using Mesquite metrics

The second part of the Mesquite Options window allows you to perform some mesh optimization. The GUI for optimization is enabled only if quality is computed and up to date - you have to use the "Compute Quality" button before the optimization.
The optimization is applied on each part (list in the table) with elements that not respect quality criteria. When mesh optimization is applied, each part is optimized individually. Nodes at the free surface of the part are defined as fixed nodes. When an element with quality that does not respect a specified criterion has nodes that are used in the entities that make the skin (use the provided "Select skin entities" box to defines which entities belong to skin), these nodes are not set fixed to allow improvement of this element. The criteria to use can be modified in the "Optimization options" part of the Mesquite Options window (see Figure Module Main Window, window labeled by 4), namely you can specify to improve the mean ratio metric and also set the threshold that should be used to determine what is an acceptable quality; and you can specify whether to attempt to remove inverted elements or not (this is only a binary choice with no further parameters).
You can use the "Select elements below threshold" button to perform a selection of elements. If you need to select elements above the threshold instead, simply use the "invert element selection" from the standard Picking menu.
If you specified that you want to use the relative quality in the "Quality options" part of the Mesquite Options window, the value of the mean ratio threshold will also be relative - value of 0 will mean elements that have the same quality both in the current and baseline mesh, negative values will be elements that have lower quality now than in the baseline mesh and positive values mean elements that improve their quality in comparison to the baseline mesh.

Smoothing the surface of an entity

The surface smoothing method uses a windowed sinc function interpolation filter to relax the node positions on a surface of an entity (also known as Taubin smoothing). This means that only 2D elements (triangles, quadrilaterals...) will be take into account for the smoothing. Therefore, this method is useful in preprocessing surfaces that you intend to use as targets for Transformation smoothing or similar purposes, or fixing small defects, but will not increase the quality of the model too much in terms of its suitability for FE simulation as problems are often in the 3D elements.
After the smoothing is finished, a new model history is always added, so you can undo the smoothing at will. Apart from starting the smoothing process by pressing the "Smooth surface" button, there are three options you can change in the GUI of the method:

  • Processed entity: the table in the top half of the window (see Figure Surface smoothing) allows you to set which entities to smooth. An entity named "Skin" will be selected as default if it exists, if it does not, nothing will be selected. Again, keep in mind that only 2D elements will be smoothed for any of the entity you select. The selected entities are merged into one surface before the process. This ensure correct behaviour even on "seams" between entities. That is useful if you have for example the skin of your model defined as several entities.
  • Smoothing parameters: there are two parameters of the smoothing algorithm that can be changed:
    1. The number of iterations, which in essence specifies the degree of the polynomial used for the interpolation - see the documentation of the smoothing filter for details. The higher, the smoother will the result be. A small amount of iterations (< 5) should be avoided to get good results.
    2. The "pass band value", a number between 0 and 2, which specifies what node valence distribution to consider smooth. The lower, the smoother (i.e. more regular) will the resulting mesh be.
    The default values, number of iterations 20 and pass band value 0.1, are a reasonable setting which will be sufficient in the most usual cases. The Figures Surface smoothing, before and Surface smoothing, after shows an example of the smoothing with those settings applied to the skin in a shoulder area.
  • Smooth only selected: the checkbox in the bottom of the option window allows to specify whether the smoothing shall be applied to the whole entity or only the nodes that are selected. Node picking tools are available in the standard "Picking" toolbox. As Figure Surface smoothing, before shows, the picked nodes are highlighted as green spheres on the models. Only the selected nodes will be smoothed if this checkbox is ticked. The crease detection method described below can be especially useful to select the regions of interest for surface smoothing
    Hint: Note that the filter operates only on selected nodes, not elements! However, if you want to smooth an area that you selected using element selection, you can simply use the "Select nodes of selected elements" button in the "Picking" toolbox to select the appropriate nodes and then run the smoothing.

Surface smoothing, before

Surface smoothing, after

More details can be found in the documentation of the smoothing filter or in the original paper: Optimal Surface Smoothing as Filter Design, G. Taubin, T. Zhang and G. Golub, IBM tech report RC-20404, 3/12/96.

Surface crease detection

One of the most common types of unwanted deformation that happens to an FE mesh after positioning is that unnaturally sharp creases appear around areas that were bent. This method, which require to specify a baseline model, automatically detects those areas and selects them. It does not have any tool to remove this damage, but the selection can be carried over and used as a target for other optimization methods, such as Transformation smoothing and Smoothing the surface of an entity.
The method uses a simple algorithm that divides the mesh into a set of clusters of elements based on the change of the dihedral angle of elements (the angle between two neighboring elements) before and after a deformation. If the change of dihedral angle between two elements is larger than a specified threshold, each of those elements is added to a different cluster. In the example in Figure Surface crease damage detection, elbow was extended. Ideally, this will put elements in the forearm and the rest of the body to two different clusters, as the change of dihedral angle around the elbow will be large. However, in practice, the positioning methods will likely not be able to create a smooth transition in this area, instead some unnaturally sharp transitions will appear around the elbow, as we can see in the Figure. Using the clustering algorithms, elements that form these sharp transitions will create narrow clusters, only few or even one element "thick", i.e. most of the elements of the given cluster will be on its boundary. This method detects and selects those clusters.

Surface crease damage detection

The options window of the crease detection method is divided into these four parts, going from top to bottom (please refer to Figure Surface crease damage detection):

  1. The Compute Quality button: performs the detection and selects the elements and points that belong to clusters that are evaluated as damaged. Note that this will reset all selection that you might have made previously! The button will not be available until you load a model and select a baseline model.
  2. Baseline model selection: this section allows you to either load a baseline model from a PIPER project file (the button will open a standard "open file" dialog), or select an entry from the current model history, i.e. choose a version of the current model before you applied some PIPER action to it (the button will open a dialog where you select one of the model history names and confirm). The name of the currently chosen model - either a model history name or path to the file - is written below the two buttons. Note that the baseline model is shared among all other methods, so you do not have to re-load the file / re-select the history when you go to another mesh optimization method.
  3. Detection options: this section contains the main settings of the algorithm. First, you need to select which entities to process. As was the case with Smoothing the surface of an entity, the crease detection works only on the surface of the mesh. The "Skin" entity is selected by default if it exists, nothing is selected if it does not exist. The selected entities are merged into one surface before the process. This ensure correct behaviour even on "seams" between entities. That is useful if you have for example the skin of your model defined as several entities, but also please realize that if you select multiple entities that are disjoint, the result might not be very useful to you.
    Below the entity selection are two sliders that change the parameters of the algorithm: angle threshold, which decides whether two elements are added to the same or different clusters - the lower it is, the less tolerant will the algorithm be - for threshold 0, it will put any two elements to different clusters; and the percentage of elements that must be on the boundary for the cluster to be considered narrow - the lower it is, the more clusters will be evaluated as damage (although in practice, the really damaged clusters have very high percentage, > 90%, while the non-damaged cluster have very low, < 10%, so in most cases, changing the value of this slider will not have a large impact).
    Lastly, the two checkboxes below the sliders serve to automatically create selection boxes around the damaged areas, which is especially helpful for Transformation smoothing. If you check the "Generate boxes" checkbox, boxes around the damaged clusters will be created and all points inside them will be selected. This will likely widen the area selected by the detector - Figure Selection by box shows a box created around the areas selected in Figure Surface crease damage detection. The second checkbox allows you to specify whether overlapping boxes shall be merged or not. Non-merged boxes will contain less elements and nodes, but Transformation smoothing is more effective if the area of effect has at least a few hundred elements, so if you want to create the boxes for this purpose, it is recommended to check the merge boxes option. Hint: you can work with the boxes created with crease detector just like with any other boxes you created with the "Picking" toolbox using the box manager inside "Picking" toolbox.
  4. Visualization options: currently, there is only one option for convenience - you can turn on or off visualization of boxes (you can do the same from the "Picking" toolbox).

Surface crease damage detection, selection by box

Transformation smoothing


Mesh smoothing algorithms usually smooth the mesh based on some general quality metrics. However, smoothing disconnected groups of elements independently could lead to penetrations between them if the boundary is not kept, and to insufficient correction if it is. In the case of positioning and personalization, the user has access to the mesh before the deformation that potentially caused the damaged (assuming the initial model quality is acceptable). This transformation smoothing method takes this "baseline model" and the target model obtained from positioning or personalization and creates a smooth transformation of the former to the latter. This has the advantage of working with the entire model at once while not generating penetrations (as long as the transformation is smooth). A publication on this approach is being prepared. PIPER currently provides two algorithms to perform this transformation smoothing. One is based on dual Kriging interpolation (see Kriging Module) and the other on averaging local displacements of the smoothed points.
Regardless of the method, the first step is always to select a baseline model (from file or model history; please refer to the Surface crease detection section above for details) as the transformation will be smoothed between the baseline and the current model.

  • It is advised to use other techniques such as Smoothing the surface of an entity or external surface editing to pre-process the surface of the entities selected for target until they are deemed acceptable (as transformation smoothing will not affect them)
  • For transformation smoothing after positioning, bones should be selected to ensure they are kept rigid.
  • If you only want to smooth the soft tissues between the bones and the skin, then both have to be selected as targets.
  • The "Smooth" button will not be available until both current and baseline model are specified.

Transformation smoothing by Kriging

In case of transformation by kriging, the region in which the transformation is smoothed is solely based on selection boxes. You can create the selection boxes manually using the "Picking" toolbox or with the Surface crease detection. When using the "Picking" toolbox, it does not matter whether you are creating the boxes in the node selection or element selection mode - only the boxes themselves will be considered. If you see the message "Smoothing not processed, check if all required parameters are set", it may mean, among other things, mean that there is no selection box.
Hint: check the "See selection boxes" in order to visualize them. Hold CTRL when drawing the box to activate the de-selection mode. This way, nothing inside the box will actually be selected.

Surfaces of entities selected with "Select target entities" are used to constrain the transformation, i.e. taken as a target. This means that nodes on the selected entities will be considered as control points for the kriging (but of course only those that are in a selection box) and all other nodes will be transformed according to them.
Once target entities and selection boxes have been selected, you can start the smoothing by pushing the "Smooth" button. Please note that for larger models and/or selected areas, this action can take up to several minutes.

Details and advanced parameters

Advanced parameters are related to (1) the "strength" of the smoothing allowed on both parts that are smoothed and on the entities selected for targets ("nugget" parameter), and (2) the strategy to deal with the large amount of control points typically used in the process (computing cost issues). The parameters and options are described below. Experimenting with a small model or region can be helpful to better understand their effects.

The first three lines of controls (see Figure Smooth transformation) serve to set up Nugget of skin control points and bone control points.

  • You can either check the "Compute nuggets of skin control points based on distance" to set the nuggets automatically (nugget will be equal to a negation of square of the shortest distance to a bone), or set it manually (if you uncheck the box) in the text box below. Note that the Nugget must be a negative number. The skin control points are nodes of all skin entities from among the selected targets. By default, the nugget is set to be computed according to the distance to bones. Therefore, the skin nodes will be allowed to move a bit in order to improve the global result of the interpolation. However, if you pre-processed the skin somehow and you want the skin nodes to be preserved, set the nugget to zero.
  • The bone control points are the surface nodes of all selected bony target entities. By default it is zero, so the kriging will not change the coordinates of bone nodes at all. Setting this to a non-zero value can be useful if you are smoothing the results of some scaling process that changed the skeleton.
  • Progressive kriging: this checkbox controls how are treated nodes that belong to more than one box, you can read the explanation directly in the GUI. In most cases, this option will not have a large impact on the results, but feel free to experiment with it.
Box splitting options (available in the Module parameters): the computation cost of the kriging grows rapidly with the number of control points, which makes the "divide and conquer" paradigm fit to apply here. By splitting a box that is too large, the computation time can be greatly enhanced without sacrificing much in terms of quality of the interpolation. This box splitting is automatic and should not be confused with the selection boxes. Parameters controlling this splitting are in the global parameter menu. The first two input text boxes allow you to specify a number of control points and total points allowed in a box. If the box has more, it will be recursively split into two until those thresholds are satisfied.
The slider below allows to set some overlap between those split boxes. This was initially used to ensure that there are no large discrepancies on their boundary, i.e. so that the interpolation still behaves more or less as if it was only a single box. However, this can significantly increase the computation time. Therefore, a different method for preserving the smoothness across boxes was introduced in version 0.99 of Piper: a small, fixed number (although relative to the size of the box) of control points near the boundary of the box from surrounding boxes are added to each box. For now, it is still possible to use the overlap parameter, but its default value is now zero and it is expected that it will be removed in future version, once more thorough testing is done and it is confirmed that the continuity is sufficiently preserved using only the new method.

Kriging in a box GUI

Transformation smoothing by moving average

WARNING - This method has not been tested thoroughly yet (as of version 1.0.0), it might not work as expected in some cases.
This method smooths directly the displacement of each point that was imposed by the transformation. Points that belong to entities selected as targets are not smoothed. For each other point, a specified number of nearest neighbors (based on the source positions) is found. Then, an average displacement within this neighborhood is computed and the current displacement of the point is replaced by this average. This is done in several iterations. Figure Moving average GUI shows the parameters that can be set:

  • Maximum iterations: how many iterations of the displacement smoothing will be performed. Note that in conjuction with the automatic stopping (see below), less than this maximum can in theory be made.
  • Number of neighbours: the number of closest points that are used when computing the average displacement.
  • Automatic stop: If turned on, the magnitude of the previous and new displacements are compared in each iteration. If the difference is smaller than the specified threshold, the point will no longer be updated in the next iterations. This can significantly speed-up the process in case a large number of iterations is used. It is recommended to always use it at least with 0 as the threshold - that will make sure that points that did not move at all during the transformation (in case of very local transformation) will not be needlesly updated.

The moving average method currently works over the whole mesh, so no boxes, as in case of the previous method, are needed.

Moving average GUI