PIPER  1.0.1
Scripting and Batch mode


The scripting capabilities of the PIPER application let the user insert custom operation in his workflow by Writing a script. It is also possible to run complete workflows from scripts, this is the so called Batch mode. The scripts are written in Python 2.7, see PIPER Python packages for a reference of the PIPER specific python API.

Running a script

From the Scripting menu any python script can be run at any time. If the script expects parameters, they can be specified in a space separated list. A list of standard script is provided with the application (they are located in share/python/scripting). Additionnaly the user can set a custom script folder from which the python scripts are listed.

Running a python script with arguments

Writing a script

Using the provided piper python packages, the user can access and modify the current application model, metadata and targets. The following example are available in the share/example/scripting folder.

Basic functionalities

The traditional Hello world ! example (in helloWorld.py):

1 # Simple hello-world script
3 # access PIPER application functions
4 import piper.app
6 piper.app.logInfo("Hello World !")

A script which manipulates its arguments (in sum.py) :

1 # Compute the sum a + b
2 #
3 # arguments:
4 # a b
6 import sys
8 # access PIPER application functions
9 import piper.app
11 def computeSum(a, b):
12  piper.app.logInfo("a+b = {0}".format(a+b))
14 if (3 != len(sys.argv)):
15  raise RuntimeError("Invalid arguments")
16 else :
17  computeSum(float(sys.argv[1]), float(sys.argv[2]))

Accessing model metadata and geometry

The following example shows how to access the current model and metadata, and also query the anatomy database. The script computes the vertebrae centroids and print the result in the application log (in vertebraeCentroid.py) :

1 # Compute the centroid of each vertebra and print it in the application log
3 # numpy is a standard package for matrix manipulation
4 import numpy
6 # access PIPER human body model functionnalities
7 import piper.hbm
8 # access anatomy database functionnalities
9 import piper.anatomyDB
10 # access PIPER application functions
11 import piper.app
13 model = piper.app.Context.instance().project().model()
15 # if the model is empty, we can do nothing
16 if (model.empty()):
17  piper.app.logWarning("Model is empty")
18 else:
19  # get metadata and fem from the current project
20  metadata = piper.app.Context.instance().project().model().metadata()
21  fem = piper.app.Context.instance().project().model().fem()
22  for (name,entity) in metadata.entities().iteritems() :
23  # check if this entity is a vertebrae
24  if piper.anatomyDB.isEntityPartOf(name, "Vertebral_column", True):
25  piper.app.logInfo("{0}: {1}".format(name, computeCentroid(entity, fem)))
27 # compute the centroid of an entity
28 def computeCentroid(entity, fem):
29  c = numpy.zeros((3,1)) # initialize the centroid, notice the (3,1) shape for a vector
30  envelopNodesId = entity.getEnvelopNodes(fem)
31  for id in envelopNodesId :
32  c += fem.getNode(id).get()
33  return (c / len(envelopNodesId)).flatten()

The following example shows how to export the currently selected nodes and elements to an external .obj file (in exportSelectedGeometryToObj.py).

1 # This script exports the current selected geometry (nodes + triangles)
2 # It also writes a json file which stores correspondances between obj vertices and piper nodes id
3 # for further update with updateNodesFromObj.py script
4 #
5 # arguments:
6 # /path/to/mesh.obj
8 # author: Thomas Lemaire date: 2017
10 import sys
11 import json
13 import piper.hbm
14 import piper.app
16 def writeObj(fem, nodeIds, elem2DIds, objFilePath):
17  # gather node ids from nodes and elements
18  allNodeIds = set()
19  for id in nodeIds:
20  allNodeIds.add(id)
21  for elemId in elem2DIds:
22  elem = fem.getElement2D(elemId)
23  if not elem.getType() in {piper.hbm.ELT_TRI, piper.hbm.ELT_QUAD}:
24  piper.app.logWarning("Unsupported: elem: {0} type: {1}".format(elemId, elem.getType()))
25  continue
26  ids = elem.get()
27  for id in ids:
28  allNodeIds.add(id)
29  # in an obj file, vertices are referenced by their index, starting at 1, to describe faces
30  nodeIdToObjIndex = dict()
31  objIndexToNodeId = dict()
32  with open(objFilePath, 'w') as objFile:
33  piper.app.logInfo("Writting obj file {0} ...".format(objFilePath))
34  objFile.write("# File generated by the PIPER application\n")
35  currentIndex = 1 # obj convention starts at 1
36  for nodeId in allNodeIds:
37  nodeIdToObjIndex[nodeId] = currentIndex
38  objIndexToNodeId[currentIndex] = nodeId
39  coord = fem.getNode(nodeId).get().flatten()
40  objFile.write("v {0} {1} {2}\n".format(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]))
41  currentIndex+=1
42  for elemId in elem2DIds:
43  elem = fem.getElement2D(elemId)
44  ids = elem.get()
45  if elem.getType() == piper.hbm.ELT_QUAD:
46  idsQuad = elem.get()
47  objFile.write("f {0} {1} {2}\n".format(nodeIdToObjIndex[idsQuad[0]], nodeIdToObjIndex[idsQuad[1]], nodeIdToObjIndex[idsQuad[2]]))
48  objFile.write("f {0} {1} {2}\n".format(nodeIdToObjIndex[idsQuad[0]], nodeIdToObjIndex[idsQuad[2]], nodeIdToObjIndex[idsQuad[3]]))
49  continue
50  elif elem.getType() == piper.hbm.ELT_TRI:
51  objFile.write("f {0} {1} {2}\n".format(nodeIdToObjIndex[ids[0]], nodeIdToObjIndex[ids[1]], nodeIdToObjIndex[ids[2]]))
52  else:
53  continue
54  objIdFilePath = objFilePath+".json"
55  with open(objIdFilePath, 'w') as objIdFile:
56  piper.app.logInfo("Writting obj id file {0} ...".format(objIdFilePath))
57  json.dump(objIndexToNodeId, objIdFile)
59 model = piper.app.Context.instance().project().model()
61 # if the model is empty, we can do nothing
62 if model.empty():
63  piper.app.logWarning("Model is empty")
64 elif 2 != len(sys.argv) :
65  raise RuntimeError("Invalid arguments")
66 else :
67  modelVTK = model.fem().getFEModelVTK()
68  nodeIds = modelVTK.getSelectedNodes()
69  elem2DIds = modelVTK.getSelectedElements(2)
70  piper.app.logInfo("nb selected nodes: {0}".format(len(nodeIds)))
71  piper.app.logInfo("nb selected elements: {0}".format(len(elem2DIds)))
72  writeObj(model.fem(), nodeIds, elem2DIds, sys.argv[1])

The following example shows how to export entities nodes id in FE code and coordinate (in exportEntitiesNodesCoordinates.py)

1 # Export nodes coordinates from a model in history
2 #
3 # arguments:
4 # /path/to/export/directory [history name]
6 import os
7 import os.path
8 import shutil
9 import exceptions
11 import piper.hbm
12 import piper.app
14 model = piper.app.Context.instance().project().model()
16 # if the model is empty, we can do nothing
17 if model.empty():
18  piper.app.logWarning("Model is empty")
19 elif not ( len(sys.argv) in {2,3} ) :
20  raise RuntimeError("Invalid arguments")
21 else :
22  exportDirectory = sys.argv[1]
24  # setup model in history
25  originalHistory = None
26  if len(sys.argv) == 3:
27  originalHistory = model.history().getCurrent()
28  model.history().setCurrentModel(sys.argv[2])
30  shutil.rmtree(exportDirectory, ignore_errors=True)
31  os.makedirs(exportDirectory)
32  metadata = model.metadata()
33  fem = model.fem()
34  piperIdToIdKey = fem.computePiperIdToIdKeyMapNode();
35  for (name,entity) in metadata.entities().iteritems() :
36  ids = entity.getEntityNodesIds(fem)
37  datFilePath = os.path.join(exportDirectory, name+".dat")
38  piper.app.logInfo("Export {0} nodes from entity {1} to {2}".format(len(ids), name, datFilePath))
39  with open(datFilePath, 'w') as datFile:
40  datFile.write("# Entity {0}\n".format(name))
41  datFile.write("# Id x y z\n")
42  for nodeId in ids:
43  coord = fem.getNode(nodeId).get().flatten()
44  datFile.write("{0} {1} {2} {3}\n".format(piperIdToIdKey[nodeId].id, coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]))
46  # restore model in history
47  if not originalHistory is None:
48  model.history().setCurrentModel(originalHistory)

TODO: examples with target creation, TODO: example with data preparation saved to (octave) file, running octave, reading output and preparing targets TODO: doc for piper.app, piper.hbm and piper.anatomydb python packages

Batch mode

The batch mode enable the user to prepare scripts to run at once a sequence of operations. The functions available in batch mode includes Project read/write, import/export, target read/write and modification, module parameters modification and access to PIPER Modules Overview.

The batch mode is started with:

$ piper --batch my_script.py

More options are available, refer to "piper --help" output.


Target creation

1 import math
3 import piper.app
4 import piper.hbm
5 import piper.test
7 target = piper.hbm.TargetList()
9 target.add(piper.hbm.FixedBoneTarget("Pelvic_skeleton"))
11 leftASISTarget = piper.hbm.LandmarkTarget()
12 leftASISTarget.setName("Pelvis_position_1")
13 leftASISTarget.setUnit(piper.hbm.Length_m)
14 leftASISTarget.landmark = "Left_ASIS"
15 leftASISTarget.setValue({0:0.3, 1:1.2, 2:-0.25})
16 target.add(leftASISTarget)
18 piper.test.expect_eq(piper.hbm.Length_m, leftASISTarget.unit(), "Error during target creation")
20 hipTarget = piper.hbm.JointTarget()
21 hipTarget.setName("Hip_position")
22 hipTarget.setUnit(piper.hbm.Length_dm)
23 hipTarget.joint="Left_hip_joint"
24 hipTarget.setValue({4:math.radians(45)})
25 target.add(hipTarget)
27 piper.test.expect_eq(piper.hbm.Length_dm, hipTarget.unit(), "Error during target creation")
29 headTarget = piper.hbm.FrameToFrameTarget()
30 headTarget.setName("Head_position")
31 headTarget.frameSource = "W_Origin"
32 headTarget.frameTarget = "B_Skull"
33 headTarget.setUnit(piper.hbm.Length_mm)
34 headTarget.setValue({0:200})
35 target.add(headTarget)
37 piper.test.expect_eq(4, target.size(), "Error during target creation")

Physics based positioning

1 import os.path
2 import math
4 import piper.app
5 import piper.hbm
7 project = piper.app.Project()
9 # save Child
10 chilpProjectFile = os.path.join(piper.app.tempDirectoryPath(), "child.ppj")
11 #chilpProjectFile = os.path.join("/local2/build/piper-release/child.ppj")
12 project.read(chilpProjectFile)
14 project.moduleParameter().setInt("PhysPosi","autoStopNbIterationMax", 100)
15 project.moduleParameter().setFloat("PhysPosi", "autoStopVelocity", 1e-7)
16 project.moduleParameter().setFloat("PhysPosi","voxelSize", 0.01)
18 target = piper.hbm.TargetList()
20 target.add(piper.hbm.FixedBoneTarget("Pelvic_skeleton"))
22 hipTarget = piper.hbm.JointTarget()
23 hipTarget.setName("Hip_position")
24 hipTarget.joint="Left_hip_joint"
25 hipTarget.setValue({4:math.radians(45)})
26 target.add(hipTarget)
28 headTarget = piper.hbm.FrameToFrameTarget()
29 headTarget.setName("Head_position")
30 headTarget.setUnit(piper.hbm.Length_mm)
31 headTarget.frameSource = "W_Origin"
32 headTarget.frameTarget = "B_Skull"
33 headTarget.setValue({0:200})
34 target.add(headTarget)
36 piper.app.physPosiDeform(project, target)

PIPER Python packages

The PIPER specific functions are made available in batch thanks to several Python packages :